Since 1954 we have delivered quality and service in Home, Automotive, and Outdoor Products at the best possible price. In the modern day we extend that same service & quality to you via the Internet at even better prices! Located in the Birmingham, Alabama area, Western Auto & Home Associates is the product of a continually evolving world of commerce. We were founded in 1954 in Goodwater, Alabama as a small town store affiliated with a growing nationwide franchising chain. The business was thriving shortly before the onset of Wal-Mart in small communities. The 1980s were trying times as many small town stores closed as Wal-Mart began to strangle Small Town America's commerce. The company that we were affiliated with dwindled from over 5,000 stores to around 400. In 2001, we scaled back our physical storefront and became a strong presence in E-Commerce, initially on eBay, but now stretching into other venues including this "anchor e-store". We bring small town American values to the E-Commerce world as we have loyal customers all across America - and around the world. Most of our worldwide clients keep in touch by sending email updates. With us, it is not just a transaction, but us serving you as a neighbor - just like small town America.

Western Auto and Home Associates, LLC
PO Box 430182
Birmingham, AL US

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